When sending out emails, include both images and text to make the content stand out. For best practices, incorporate the following elements:
Option to include a simple step-by-step graphic of how the process works, such as this one:
Finally, we recommend having a section at the bottom of the page that links back to the shopper FAQ. This is where they can access any additional information that was not addressed in the body of the email. Use this space to link them to either a) Blackcart’s shopper FAQ, or b) your own TBYB FAQ landing page if you have made one (which we strongly suggest you do).
Similarly to social media, at any given point you may have new subscribers who don’t know that your program exists. Send reminder emails every once in a while to keep TBYB top-of-mind, or during times where you need an extra sales push. TBYB is a valuable tool you can leverage.
Want to see a direct example from a current merchant? Check out ThirdLove’s introduction and follow-up emails here: