Try before you buy

Convert more visitors into customers

Acquire more customers with your existing ad spend. More customers + same ad spend = lower CAC.

Eliminate the fear and uncertainty of online shopping while increasing conversions, average order value, and net revenues—all with Try Before You Buy.



Increase in
New Customers


Decrease in Customer
Acquisition Cost


Increase in Sitewide
Profit Contribution

Convert visitors who abandon

Shoppers have two options - buy or don't buy. Try Before You Buy offers a third option - to try the product at home, and then buy.


Merchants see a 26% increase in new customers when Try Before You Buy is an option.

More new customers

at a lower CAC

Try Before You Buy customers convert from existing traffic. More new customers from the same advertising 
spend results in lower overall customer acquisition costs.


Try Before You Buy drives a 22% decrease in customer acquisition cost.

Incremental profit 
contribution with 
Try Before You Buy

Incremental TBYB orders are highly profitable 
and increase overall store profitability.


Try Before You Buy delivers 24% higher profit contribution by generating incremental orders.

Blackcart is needed right now. 
If we’re going to create the best 
online shopping experience possible, shoppers needs the ability to try products before purchasing.

Nadia Boujarwah
Co-founder and CEO

The biggest advantage brick-and-mortar stores have over eComm is that customers can try multiple things on before they pay for it. Working with Blackcart has been a very smooth process.

Ashley Mariko Johnson
Founder and Owner

The idea of bringing an in-store experience to customers from the comfort of their own home unlocks so much potential. Beauty products, particularly body makeup, are extremely personal.

Kourtney Leigh
Founder and CEO

See the Try Before You Buy impact on your store

Add your metrics and see how Try Before You Buy would impact your store.

Blackcart integrates seamlessly 
with Shopify and eCommerce Apps

Blackcart seamlessly integrates with best-in-class 
apps ensuring merchants can provide the best 
shopping experience to their customers.