
What should your item minimum/maximum be?

As part of your program configurations, you must set a minimum and a maximum amount of items eligible in one Try Before You Buy order.

These parameters are in place to ensure you’re optimizing your program so your shoppers get the best possible experience. Before setting these parameters, keep the following in mind:

  • With our calibrated fraud AI, our average fraud rate is extremely low. Think <1%. That being said, like with any program, it can be abused and for that reason, we recommend setting an item maximum.

Setting your minimum.

If your goal is to help shoppers solve for size and style, we recommend setting a minimum of 2 items. On the other hand, if your goal is to build confidence and convert shoppers, you may start with a minimum of 1. To maximize net AOV, we recommend also considering your current items per order when setting a minimum.

Setting your maximum.

Item maximums are often inversely proportional to how high your average unit price is. Merchants with higher average PPU often set a lower maximum. We recommend setting a maximum quantity 2-3 times your current unit per transaction. Once the maximum is reached, shoppers may still add more paid upfront items.


Sound assertive in your messaging. Don’t position it as an item min/max, but rather as an exciting value proposition. Below is a simple example from one of our merchants:
